Гарна ідея? Потрібно трохи фінансування? – The Councillor Ward Grant Scheme Do you feel your organisation or project could do with a bit of financial support? Чи буде це на користь людям, що живуть в вашому Ради Уорд міста? Чи є це гарне співвідношення ціни і якості? Is the funding you need less than £1,000? The Councillor


The Christmas and Winter festivities are already underway at the Town Council with plans for an afternoon of great attractions for the whole family to enjoy in Dover on Saturday 30th November . Delicious locally sourced food and drink will be available in the Market Square from lunchtime to 5pm together with stalls and shops


Maison Dieu House will be open on Saturday 21st September 10am-4pm as part of the annual Heritage Open Day weekend. Maison Dieu Будинок був побудований в 1665 в якості офіційної резиденції агента ресторатора, місцеве особа, відповідальна за організацію поставок продуктів харчування і напоїв на кораблі Королівського флоту. Next


Congratulations to everyone involved in the fabulous success of Dover’s first Dover Pride event on Saturday 31st August celebrating the LGBTQ+ community. Mayor Councillor Gordon Cowan led the Parade from the Market Square to the Town Hall during the morning and opened the entertainment at the Town Hall. The Town Hall was packed to capacity


The Age of the Anglo-Saxons came back to Dover on 17-18th August in a weekend of activities and fun. There was something for everyone. On the Roman Lawn an Anglo-Saxon living village set up with games to play, craft activities including a coin minting workshop, authentic food, woodworking and textile work. Swords, shields and other
