Your DoverYour Voice – Your Neighbourhood Plan needs YOU!

New Banners are up in the Town as a reminder to make your contribution to Dover’s future by completing your Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire.

Neighbourhood planning gives communities a chance to take the lead in producing part of the development plan for their area – a Neighbourhood Plan is important – it is a legal document and повинен бути використані при ухваленні рішення про додатки планування.

The Neighbourhood Plan Community Questionnaire gives everyone a chance to have their own say. It’s available on-line тут, in hard copy for pick-up at the Town Council Offices as well as the library and has been posted to every household with free-post return.

Tell us

  • Що важливо для вас у Дуврі
  • Що вас хвилює щодо майбутнього міста
  • Яка нова освіта, навчання та можливості, які ви хочете
  • Який розвиток ви хочете бачити
  • Що, на вашу думку, зробить Дувр кращим місцем для життя, робота і візит

We need to hear from everyone if our Town is to be an inclusive and happy place where we can all thrive – we especially want to understand what matters to you if you are younger or have special needs such as living with a disability or being a carer or are a member of a minority community.

Your Dover – Your Voice