Mayor’s Charity Quiz a Winner

Over £250 for the Alzheimer’s Society was raised by teams at the Mayor’s Halloween Charity Quiz. The Council Chamber was full to capacity in a keenly fought contest that kept Quizmaster Brian Constable on his toes. Congratulations to the winning team “All the Kings Men” and to Brian and his team for working so hard to make the evening such good fun for everyone.

Funds raised will go to the Alzheimer’s Society and Liz Taylor of the local group said thankyou on behalf the Charity and spoke for a few minutes about their work in Dover.

Borgmesteren, Councillor Sue Jones said

I would like to thank the teams that supported this charity fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Society that does such brilliant work to make life that little bit easier and less lonely for those living with dementia and those who care for them. Thanks also to Brian and the behind the scenes crew who worked so hard to give us an evening full of fun with some pretty hard head-scratching thrown in!

Alzheimerforeningen investerer i forskning i demenspleje, årsag, helbredelse og forebyggelse. De kæmper for rettighederne for alle ramt af demens og skaber opmærksomhed, skubbe på for et mere demensvenligt samfund, så mennesker med lidelsen kan leve uden frygt og fordomme. Siden juni 2017 mere end 2 millioner mennesker har meldt sig til at blive demensvenner og lære om de små ting, de kan gøre for at støtte mennesker med demens i deres lokalsamfund. En national telefonhjælpelinje tilbyder information, rådgivning og følelsesmæssig støtte til alle, der er ramt af demens. Hjælp er også tilgængelig online og igennem 200 gratis publikationer. Lokalt i Dover driver Selskabet en Demenscafé, en Peer Support Group og en Activity Club.