Mayor’s Charities Announced

Councillor Sue Jones – newly elected as Town Mayor of Dover has announced her charities for the year. Funds raised will be shared between the Alzheimer’s Society and the Dover Outreach Centre.

The Alzheimer’s Society invests in research into dementia care, cause, cure and prevention. They fight for the rights of everyone affected by dementia and raise awareness, pushing for a more dementia friendly society so people with the condition can live without fear and prejudice. Since June 2017 more than 2 million people have signed up to become Dementia Friends and learn about the small things they can do to support people with dementia in their communities. A national telephone helpline offers information, advice and emotional support to all those affected by dementia. Help is also available on line and through over 200 free publications. Locally in Dover the Society runs a Dementia café, a Peer Support Group and an Activities Club.


Dover Outreach Centre is a local charity that tackles the issues associated with social isolation, poverty and financial hardship by providing support, winter shelter and services in Dover for those suffering the effects of poverty, homelessness, loneliness, unemployment, 歧视, or other forms of social exclusion due to drug and alcohol abuse, the consequences of crime, family breakdown and unhealthy lifestyles. These issues are not seen to exist in isolation and to tackle one invariably involves looking at others. Many vulnerable people fall through the gaps in society. The Centre provides a comprehensive, holistic service working to provide the resources needed to transform and restore the lives of homeless people in a friendly, caring setting as well as education and innovative programs designed to empower people to achieve self-sufficiency.


I know from work as a Councillor and personally the pressures that dementia can bring to those with the condition and those caring for them but also how a little bit of kindness, awareness and even small changes can make things a whole lot easier. Dover is on its way to achieving Dementia Friendly Status as a Town and I want to do my bit as Mayor to support the Alzheimer’s Society as they take the lead for everyone- and that is most of us one way or anotheraffected by dementia.

I have made tackling homelessness and poverty one of my priorities. Dover Outreach Centre is our own small local charity that works directly to support those in our community that need a helping hand to get themselves back on their feet. I know the issues are complex but I want to support the volunteers that work at the sharp end to give a chance of a better life to those in our community with almost nothing to call their own.