Elsk dine grønne områder i Dover? Vi vil meget gerne høre fra dig!

Bruger du, besøg eller værdsætter de grønne områder i Dover? Vi har brug for din hjælp til at gøre dem endnu bedre. For the last five years the Up on the Downs Landscape Heritage Lottery Funded Partnership has been doing fabulous work to conserve and celebrate the landscape and heritage of the Town. In fact, det har været så gode, at de ønsker at holde i gang med nye projekter og mere arbejde for at støtte og bygge videre på deres succes.


Den Op på Downs Team og partnere er at sikre, at de græssende dyr på den jord, de pleje er sunde og velplejede, the chalk grassland is being managed and shelters are being used and maintained. The team are also working hard on:


· Applying for European funding to attract more tourists to the area and provide work training for local job seekers


· A River Dour Project to help us all understand more about our special river and rare chalk streams


· Making the Town Council land at High Meadow better for local people including better access for all. The last few years have seen a huge amount of work done to bring back the chalk grassland and grazing to the Meadow and now we need your ideas to make sure that everyone can enjoy a visit all year round. High Meadow is great for outdoor adventures…….story telling circle ……….it’s a big space and there is room for just about anything you can imagine ……….so just let us know!


Please will you help us by filling in a survey on the Op på Downs Nyhedsbrev.

Or go directly to the survey by clicking her.