今年夏天,镇议会将拨款 1000 英镑,支持多佛年轻人的世界级音乐教育. 爵士之旅项目, the Lets Dance Project and the Music Summer School will be held at schools in the Town this year and will build on the success of last year’s music events which also received Town Council funding and enthusiastic support.
More information can be obtained from organisers Deal Festival of Music and the Arts www.dealfestival.co.uk together with their exciting programme of events in our local area.
Could your organisation or project benefit from Town Council support? Why not have a chat with your local Ward Councillor (see 议员 ), download information about our grant schemes (资助), give us a call on 01304 242625 or just pop in and see us at Maison Dieu House?