In Memory - Honorary Freeman of Dover, reverendo Michael Hinton

Estamos muito tristes em saber da morte do Honorário Freeman de Dover, Reverend Michael Hinton. It was an honour in 2018 para o então prefeito, A conselheira Sue Jones apresentará ao reverendo Hinton seu pergaminho e o caixão de Freeman como um agradecimento formal da cidade por suas décadas de serviço a Dover.

Michael Hinton was inspirational teacher. His early career was in the north of England before moving to Dover in 1960 and becoming Headmaster of Dover Grammar School for Boys. Dentro 1983 he was ordained as a priest in the Church of England, work he continued on a voluntary basis in Dover after his retirement from full time parish ministry.

He was a published writer, and is most well-known for his popular and ground breaking “100-minute Bible”. Dovorians may know him best for his many years writing the weekly “Christian Comment” column for the Dover Express.

Reverend Hinton was also deeply involved in campaigns for social justice both in the Town and more widely. He was a founder member of the local Fairtrade Group, and a supporter of Christian Aid and the Dover Foodbank.

Our condolences go to his son Chris and his wider family and friends.

Our picture shows Rev. Hinton (left) junto com o colega livre Sr. Pat Sherratt no 2018 Mayor Making em Dover Town Hall.