好主意? 需要資金的一點點? - 司法官沃德資助計劃

你覺得你的組織或項目可能有一點資金支持做? 它將使住在您的市議會病房的人們受益嗎? 是否物有所值? 議員病房補助計劃可能正適合您. Councillors each have up to £1000 allocated to support applications. Projects supported so far this year have included £200 for a Toddler Group to buy art and craft materials, £300 towards fencing at the Curzon Hall, and £105 to help the Royal British Legion buy the large memorial poppies for the Town. 表格盡可能快速簡便地完成. 可以從我們網站的贈款部分下載它們以及一些簡短的指南.
