Emmaus Dover is Building a Better Future with a £2,000 Town Council Grant.

A £2,000 Town Council grant will pay for a refurbished bathroom at Dover Emmaus based in the historic Archcliffe Fort. The Civic and Special projects Committee voted in favour of the application after receiving a presentation from Emmaus at their meeting on 14 नोभेम्बर.

Emmaus Dover provides a home and meaningful work for up to 26 men and women who have experienced homelessness and social exclusion. They offer a home for as long as it is needed and help residents to regain self-esteem and find a positive way to move forward with their lives. The refurbishment of the bathrooms is part of an ongoing project to improve the facilities for residents as bright, clean and well-maintained rooms send a huge message that they are respected and valued.

Emmaus Dover has further ambitious plans over the next 2-3 years including building a new workshop, a modern retail facility, and resurfacing the car park and access roads. In addition, Emmaus will work with English Heritage to repair the original arch and gatehouse and install a range of facilities to enable visitors to learn about the rich history and heritage of the Fort which played a key part in the defences of the Town for centuries.