Dovers Winter Light Up oplyser det kentiske dyreliv med et lanterneoptog denne lørdag

Dovers Winter Light Up fortsætter sin årlige festlige fejring den kommende lørdag den 2. december med en march gennem byen, forlader Pencester Gardens kl. 17.00. Imponerende store byggerier og lanterner er blevet lavet af samfundsgrupper, Fremtidige Støberi kunstnere og skoler, der har arbejdet utrætteligt på at skabe over 500 lanterner til optoget.

Building on the tradition of animals parading through Dover, Future Foundry has incorporated more wildlife into the procession this year, working with illustrator and designer Greg Stobbs to raise awareness about animals from the Kentish countryside. Lanterns made by the Future Foundry team include one of the wild Konik Pony in Dover by artist Zo Defferary, with endangered species such as the Pine Marten in the making by Bid Tophill. Native species will be represented this year with a badger by Freyja Crow and a seagull by Amelia Johnson. Kent Downs AONB has worked with Scouts groups from Dover to explore the geology of Dover and create lantern ammonites.

The magical menagerie of Kentish animals will gather at Pencester Gardens from 4pm on Saturday 2nd December, with the procession leaving at 5pm. Anyone wanting to watch the procession is welcome to come along from 4.30pm. The procession will leave at 5pm to make its way from Pencester Gardens to Market Square, via Biggin St, Priory St, York St roundabout, Worthington St and Cannon St.

The procession has been developed in partnership with Dover Town Council, who are also hosting a Christmas Market from 1pm – 7pm in Dover’s Market Square with a range of stalls selling festive gifts and plenty of entertainment, food and drink to enjoy.

Future Foundry is Dover’s first NPO (National Portfolio Organisation), which has brought three years of investment from Arts Council England, contributing to developing the procession and training for all the artists involved. They are proud to present their biggest big-build procession yet, making Dover’s Winter Light Up a regular calendar event to kick off the festive season, transforming the town and bringing people across Dover together to make and celebrate.

Public workshops from Future Foundry are open on Saturday 25th November at The Charlton Centre from 11 – 1pm and 2pm – 4pm, and at Biggin Hall on Tuesday 28th and Thursday 30th November from 4-8pm. Dover’s Winter Light Up takes place on Saturday 2nd December. Collection of lanterns begins at 4pm, Pencester Gardens, Dover, with the procession starting at 5pm for speeches and a winter wish in Market Square. Procession ends at 6pm, with the market and entertainment finishing at 7pm.

Fotokredit: Brian Van Der Veen

Dover Winter Light Up Poster

Dover Winter Light Up – Illustrations by Gregg Stobbs