多佛鎮隊 – 集市廣場籌資投標書,成功

Dover’s Market Square in the heart of the Old Town is set to benefit from £2.44m of funding from the Government’s Coastal Communities Fund. The historic Square will be transformed into a first-rate public space for local people and visitors to enjoy.

這些雄心勃勃的計劃 - 現在同意 - 包括:

  • 一個核心的新防濺水功能 - 用划槳!
  • 對於採取措施減緩交通行人更寬敞的空間
  • 植樹造林,改善環境,並給夏蔭
  • 巴士服務和教練降取捨提供更好

The bid for funding was made by Dover Town Team and Chairman John Angel welcomed the news saying

這是多佛一個偉大的成功故事,並讚揚佛城隊之間動土團隊工作, Dover Town Council and Dover District Council in achieving this bid in a highly competitive field. As Chairman of the successful bid, 我是志願者所示瞭如指掌的辛勤工作和奉獻精神, elected officials and council officers who have worked in tandem – now the really hard work begins.

Dover Town Team was set up in 2012 at the initiative of former Mayor Councillor Sue Jones who has been a member of the Town Team Board since 2013. The Town Team has worked consistently hard to support economic development and regeneration in Dover. The Town Council fully supports the work of the Team. Council funding of £25,000 in 2016 was key to getting the bid off the ground at the start of the application process. The Council has also been heavily involved in the public consultations that underpinned the plans making sure that the new Market Square meets the real needs of local people.