
Dover Outreach Centre offers hope to homeless men and women in Dover. Working out of re-furbished premises at St Paul’s Catholic Church in Maison Dieu Road it offers a drop-in centre from 9-11am with access to essential services and support, simple food, washing and laundry facilities.

Over the coldest part of the winter from November to February the Centre organised the Dover Winter Shelter, running 6 nights a week in 6 different church halls and a community centre, giving a total of 40 people and an average of 10 people a night a chance of a hot meal and a safe, warm night’s sleep. Those registering to use the outreach Centre agree to a code of good behaviour. The Outreach Centre has as a core principal that everyone should be helped to get back on their feet if possible with a job and a secure roof over their heads – and of those using the Winter Shelter in 2016-17, 20 had since found homes and 15 started work.

The Centre provides help to those in genuine need but is not in the business of creating dependency. A new social enterprise is now supporting people back to permanent work by providing short term employment, mentoring and other practical help. The Centre is now actively looking for work opportunities locally.

The Centre has received grants to get it up and running including over £4,000 from the Town Council but aims to be self-funding within 2 歲月. It also works closely with other local charities such as Porchlight and Emmaus.

Mr Noel Beamish, the Chairman of the Centre was warmly thanked and applauded by Councillors at the Full Town Council meeting in July following a presentation and update detailing the latest developments at the Centre.

If you can help the Outreach Centre by volunteering or by giving other support they can be contacted on 01304 339022 or by email at admin@doveroutreachcentre.org.uk