Dover Outreach Center – helping those who need it most

The Community and Services Committee of the Council received a presentation on the work of the Outreach Centre at its meeting on 5th July before deciding to grant them funding of £10,000 towards its running costs for each of the next three years.

Radní Miriam Wood, Chair of the Committee said

This will give the Centre a measure of financial security and the opportunity to develop their work. No-one sets out as a child or young adult to live on the street. We all face difficult circumstances in our lives at one time or another but most of us are lucky enough to have family and friends to give us a helping hand when we need it. The Council recognises the importance of the work of the Outreach Centre to help and support some of the most vulnerable members of our community to get back on their feet and if possible into work.

Dover Outreach Centre Charity aims to changes lives rather than create dependency. From starting up in 2016 the Centre has developed a range of services targeted at providing the individual help each person needs to get them up and running and living independently. This might mean everything from supplying the basics such as breakfast, showering and laundry facilities through to help with applying for jobs and access to a computer. In the coldest months of the year the Centre co-ordinates the Winter Shelter for rough sleepers while helping them to sort permanent accommodation.

In addition, Dover Outreach Enterprise was set up in July 2017 to provide a route back into employment. DOE gives opportunities for paid workpainting, decorating, landscaping, carpentry, bricklaying and paving together with regular training and mentoring. Work achievement restores a sense of value, self-worth and dignity.


Our picture shows the welcoming interior of the Dover Outreach Centre