多佛电影 2020 –在线提供–免费观看!

几十年来,每年多佛电影都记录了该镇的生活亮点-形成了一个独特的,不断变化的时代纪事. 今年也没有什么不同,因为志愿电影团队获得了与众不同的一年. 镜头始于早期的正常现象 2020, the DODS panto and the spectacular fireworks over the harbour during the visit of the new cruise liner Scarlett Lady. We then see how the Covid lockdown affected Dover, the clap for our NHS heroes, the suddenly empty quiet and High Street, the commemoration of VE Day with by socially distant street parties in front gardens as we found ways to be together but safe. The beach was the most popular place for fun and sun this year with plenty of space for families to enjoy being out safely. Dover community spirit is always wonderful and never more so in this year as people supported each other and the wider community. The volunteer beach clean was able to go ahead in September and the Tower Hamlets Forum collected over 50 bags of rubbish in their local area clean-up. The film ends with moving personal statements from ordinary people living through an extraordinary year – and when asked about what they most valued about Dover they agreed that our wonderful natural landscape, the countryside, the cliffs and the sea were the most important together with being part of a community that cares.

The Dover film – not to be missedis normally shown in our own Silver Screen Cinema but this year you can find it on-line at the Dover Film Festival website www.dover-film.com under the membership tab. Watching the 2020 film is free and by joining the society you also get access to previous films. Dover Town Council gives regular support to the Dover Film – most recently in 2020 a grant of £311 towards secure storage.

团队已经在为 2021 电影,所以如果您有活动或您认为需要记录的东西,为什么不通过他们的网站与他们联系?