Doverio sąžiningos prekybos miesto tinklas gavo naują bendruomenės statusą

Dideli sveikinimai Doverio sąžiningos prekybos tinklui, kurie sėkmingai atnaujino Fairtrade bendruomenės statusą iki 2027.

Šiais metais „Fairtrade Fortnight“. 2024 event which will shine a spotlight on the climate crisis and the increasing threat it poses to some of the planet’s most beloved food products as well as the livelihoods of the farmers and agricultural workers who grow them. Further work from local organisations and individuals participating in fair trade initiatives will bring about more awareness of fairtrade to Dover at the next Fairtrade Fortnight annual event, this year it will be held internationally during September 2024.

Dover Fairtrade Town Network meet regularly– anyone interested in attending and /or wanting to know more about our Fairtrade groups please contact Alternatively you can follow thieir facebook page: Dover Fairtrade Town Network.