
新的「多佛連接器」已開始向目前不經常使用高草甸自然保護區的當地人開放. High Meadow is a huge area of really beautiful high quality chalk down-land that comes almost into the centre of the Town. 計畫設立燒烤區, 為代步車和嬰兒車提供更便利的路徑, 講故事的圓圈和庇護所,讓你在下雨時保持乾燥. 我們知道,能夠到戶外享受自然環境是保持身心健康的最佳方法之一. 多佛連接器將特別針對我們社區中需求最高的部分,透過有趣的活動來提高生活質量.

High Meadow is currently managed by White Cliffs Countryside Partnership for conservation. The new Dover Connector will be managed by Kent Wildlife Trust expanding our partnership of experts looking after the Reserve.

We are very keen to hear about new ideas to help everyone enjoy High Meadow.

您可以透過鎮議會辦公室聯繫肯特野生動物信託基金的多佛聯絡員: 01304 242625 by e-mail at council@dovertowncouncil.gov.uk or by calling into our offices at Maison Dieu House (旁邊的大會堂), 比金街, 多佛CT16 1DW.