Julen er officielt lige rundt om hjørnet nu, da Dover Town Council indvarslede sæsonen med deres spektakulære julelys tændt på lørdag 5 December. Biggin Street til Market Square var i live med boder, underholdning og ferie juble. De fremherskende vinde ikke afskrække folk fra at komme ud og deltage i festlighederne. The indoor market in the former Claire Accessories provided a warm oasis of activities and craft stalls. Fra 12:30 til 4:30 there was a packed programme of music and Christmas cheer galore on the main stage area in the Market Square. Real rensdyr var tilbage i år i markedet Square nærhed og The Newfoundland Splashpals betalt en eftermiddag besøg Market Street med deres jule Carriages. The climbing wall proved a popular addition to the day and with Santa on hand in his grotto to listen to all the youngster’s requests, byen kunne ikke have været mere festlig. After a full day of happiness and merriment, The Town Mayor of Dover and the Casts of the Dover Theatrical Christmas Pantomimes joined the Dover Community Radio Roadshow to turn on the Christmas illuminations at the stroke of 5, lighting up the town and marking the start of the holidays.