A new edition of Dover Life funded by the Town Council is available from the Town Council offices, Dover Museum and other locations in the Town. It includes a fascinating compilation of photographs of Dover in years gone by together with pictures of the same spot today showing some huge changes but also much that


追悼の日曜日 2016

日曜日の午前11時で 13 11月 2016, 98 休戦の調印でからの年 1918, Dover remembered all the servicemen and women who gave their lives in the service of their country.   標準のパレード, veterans and other organisations marched to the War Memorial in front of Maison Dieu House


追悼の日曜礼拝とパレードドーバー戦争記念日 13 11月 2016     日曜日の午前11時で 13 11月 2016, 98 休戦の調印でからの年 1918, ドーバーは、自国の奉仕で命を捧げたすべての軍人と女性を覚えています。. 標準のパレード,…


The Right Worshipful the Town Mayor of Dover and Speaker of the Cinque Ports Councillor Neil Rix welcomed Admiral of the Fleet, the Lord Boyce, チンクエポートの主ウォーデン, representatives from all other towns of the Cinque Ports Confederation and distinguished guests to the Annual Speaker’s Day Event in Dover on Saturday 1
