Bogla Bote Godri’s career has just got off to a fabulous start. Det 8 year old winner of the 2018 Young Cooks Competition cooked her champion recipe for 30 special guests including Dover Mayor Councillor Sue Jones at the Dog in Wingham. The young chef served a superb meal of Sea Bass with smoked bacon,…

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Fairtrade Fortnight will return in 2019 fra 25 February to 10 Marts. It’s one of the most important times of the year to celebrate Fairtrade Achievements, whilst encouraging further commitments from the public, companies and Government to take action for fairer trade. This year Fairtrade Fortnight will focus on cocoa. Farmers of this iconic Fairtrade

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valget Dover Town Council vil finde sted den 2 Kan 2019 - 18 Byrådsmedlemmer vil blive valgt for en 4-årig embedsperiode til at repræsentere befolkningen i byen og tjene deres samfund. Hvert år en byrådsmedlem er valgt til at være Dover Town borgmester ved en afstemning i Rådet. You can

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Is your New Year ResolutionTo be fitter, trimmer and do more exercise? – Yes Get outside to enjoy the fresh air? – Yes Eat better, healthier and cheaper? – Yes Tick all the boxes at once by renting a Town Council Allotment – and make yourself a whole bunch of new friends too!…

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Dover Byråd er indstillet til at opnå White Ribbon-status efter en rapport fra byrådsmedlem Chris Precious og en afstemning i byrådet Fuld. White Ribbon UK arbejder med mænd og drenge til at udfordre de mandlige kulturer, der fører til chikane, misbrug og vold. Volunteer ambassadors work to call out behaviour among other men

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Councillors overwhelmingly supported Councillor Miriam Wood’s proposal that the Town Council adopt the Anti-Slavery Charter to express opposition to the practice of modern slavery. Dover Town Council is now formally committed to using its powers and resources to empower those vulnerable to slavery, to advance emancipation and to promote access to decent work. Councillor Wood

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Christmas cheer was spread throughout Dover during the weekend (December 1 og 2) with the annual Christmas celebration featuring special Chinese Dragon and Lion Dancing entertainment and the switch on of the Christmas Tree and festive lights by Mayor of Dover Cllr Sue Jones supported by special guest Kung Fu Panda! More than 700 people

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Everyone was welcome to the first Neighbourhood Panning Workshop held in the Biggin Hall on 28 November – and despite the grim weather the hall was soon full of local people sharing their detailed knowledge of Dover and thoughts about how to make the Town a better place to live and work. Planning experts explained

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