White Cliffs Countryside Partnership was set up to help conserve and enhance the special coast and country The coast and countryside of Dover is world class for wildlife and history. The White Cliffs are world famous and for centuries have been the gateway to and from England. The White Cliffs Countryside Partnership was established in 1989 zu…

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Januar Grünen!

YES! – It’s time to shake off those winter blues. Is your New Year’s ResolutionTo be fitter, trimmer and do more exercise? Get outside to enjoy the fresh air? Eat better, healthier and cheaper? Live in a more environmentally and sustainable way? Tick all the boxes at once by renting a Town

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A £2,000 Town Council grant will pay for refurbished facilities at Dover Emmaus based in the historic Archcliffe Fort. Rätin Pam Brivio, Chairperson of the Civic and Special Projects Committee visited the community to present the cheque. Pam saidDover Town council are pleased to support Emmaus, which is such a valuable asset to

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Countdown bis Weihnachten in Dover 2019 got off to a fabulous start on Saturday 30th November with celebrations in the Market Square all afternoon leading up to the big Christmas Lights Switch On at 5pm. Young People from Dover schools and colleges entertained the crowds with help from the Roadshow and – new and unique

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