“It’s an amazing and important event for Dover” “It’s great to see an event link the Town and the Castle” “Wonderful and spectacular – the lanterns are beautiful” Hundreds of local people carrying 500 handmade lanterns and stars turned out on Wednesday 20th October to greet Amal and walk with her in procession from Pencester

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Bentornati agli Heritage Open Days – la tua possibilità di vedere all'interno di alcune delle gemme nascoste di Dover. Vi aspetta un caloroso benvenuto dai volontari e dalle organizzazioni che lavorano tutto l'anno per preservare i nostri edifici storici e condividere le storie del passato della nostra città per le generazioni future.

Huge congratulations to Dover Pride who were back in force this year with a fabulous live event on Saturday 28th August. The Town Centre was full of colour and fun with our annual celebration of diversity. The Town Council has been fully supportive of Dover Pride from the start and this year Councillor contributed £999

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