The Right Worshipful the Town Mayor of Dover and Speaker of the Cinque Ports Councillor Neil Rix welcomed Admiral of the Fleet, the Lord Boyce, Господ Пазачът на пристанищата Cinque, representatives from all other towns of the Cinque Ports Confederation and distinguished guests to the Annual Speaker’s Day Event in Dover on Saturday 1

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  The Right Worshipful the Town Mayor of Dover and Speaker of the Cinque Ports Councillor Neil Rix will host Admiral of the Fleet, the Lord Boyce, Господ Пазачът на пристанищата Cinque, representatives from all other towns of the Cinque Ports Confederation and distinguished guests at the Annual Speaker’s Day Event in Dover on

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  Your Town Council has been received the prestigious Quality Award as part of the Local Council Award Scheme. This achievement recognises that the council achieves good practice in governance, community engagement and council improvement. Moreover, the Council goes above and beyond their legal obligations, leading their communities and continuously seeking opportunities to improve and

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Въпреки безпрецедентните проблеми с пътуването в пристанището на Дувър, няколко десетки мотоциклета успяха да озарят абитуриентския бал на годишното събитие в Довър „Велосипеди на плажа“ в събота 23 Юли. Мотористи се отпуснаха в шезлонги на бала под великолепна слънчева светлина, докато Dover Transport Museum продаваше билети за техния великолепен реставриран 1972 BM500. …

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Dover Fair Trade Town Network supported by the Town Council celebrated the renewal of the Town’s Fair Trade status this week. Dover has been a Fair Trade Town since 2009. Local People enjoyed Fair Trade refreshments while learning more about Fair Trade sustainability and environmental issues from speaker Lynette Aitken. The event was also attended

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