Os novos totens Dover foram revelados e bem-vindas para Dover pela Cidade prefeito, Conselheiro Neil Rix, e o Presidente do Conselho Distrital de Dover, Conselheira Sue Chandler. Os Totens marcam o início, pontos intermediários e finais da trilha de Athol Terrace que leva até White Cliffs e o National Trust Visitor Center que liga…

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Mais de £ 600 foram arrecadados para caridade no Mayor's Quiz realizado no restaurante local Cullin's Yard no início desta semana. Os rendimentos serão divididos entre o fundo de microônibus da Age UK Dover e Meningitis Now. O quiz foi esgotado com cerca de 100 pessoas participando completamente. Competition was keen with local teams pitting their

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A Dover Town Council grant award of £1,000 has enabled Dover Youth Theatre to mount NEW HORIZONS a free weeklong Arts and Film Workshop in the town this August culminating in a free performance to the public on Thursday 24th August at 7.30pm in Dover Town Hall. International award-winning Film Director Jan Dunn, Editor Tony Currell, West-End Musical

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Dover Outreach Center oferece esperança para homens e mulheres sem-teto em Dover. Funcionando nas instalações reformadas da Igreja Católica de São Paulo, na Maison Dieu Road, oferece um centro de acolhimento das 9h às 11h, com acesso a serviços e apoio essenciais., comida simples, instalações de lavagem e lavanderia. Over the coldest part of the winter from November

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White Cliffs Ramblers are back with their ever more popular Walking Festival from 24- 30 agosto. The programme booklet has just been published with a wide range of walks to suit everyone. Book up early as some walks fill up quickly – especially those going to places that are not normally open to the public….

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    Here at the Town council we are glad to see the summer sunshine – and we thought we would share a letter that we are sending to everyone who has a Town Council allotment! We have had complaints that since the weather has got better tenants are seeing rather more of their neighbours

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