Yerel Dover chippie Castle Take-away, popüler White Cliffs Yürüyüş Festivali'ni düzenleyen White Cliffs Ramblers tarafından Takdir Sertifikası ile ödüllendirildi. Gittikçe güçlenen Festival, Belediye Meclisi tarafından 500 £ hibe ile desteklendi. 2017. The Fish and Chip Walk sees walkers hike the 10

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Salı 27 Şubat ayı 2018 saw a well-attended Dementia Friends Conference take place at Dover Town Halldespite bad weather and some key speakers unable to attend there were over 100 people present. There was the opportunity to hear what a Dementia Friends Community is like and what is needed to be recognised as a

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Dover Town Council is proud to be supporting LGBT History Month 2018 by raising the Rainbow Flag for the first time. The flag is an internationally recognised positive symbol for the LGBT community. LGBT History Month highlights Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender history each year together with the history of gay rights and related civil

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The Council commemorated the passing of the Representation of the People Act on 6th February 1918 with a display in the Council Chamber. The Act gave the vote to women for the first time (although only women over 30 who had property rights were eligible to vote) and all men. Women had to wait for

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The Town Council met with other partners to celebrate the launch of the CHALKUP 21 website and trail markers. CHALKUP21 links 9 superlative 21st Century art and architecture structures along a 17 mile coastal and cultural trail stretching from Capel le Ferne to Deal together with two national long distance trails, the North Downs Way

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50-51 Biggin St Dover

Dover Bölge Konseyi Planlama Komitesi'nin dün geceki karmakarışık toplantısında ( 25inci Ocak 2018), Yoğun bir gündem, hem memurlara hem de meclis üyelerine, bölgedeki pek çok seçmenin neden bu önemli meclis departmanına saygı duymadığını gösterme konusunda rakipsiz bir fırsat verdi. After spending an hour discussing the importance of adhering to

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Dover Fairtrade Town Network celebrated a very busy and successful year at their AGM in the Town Council offices on Thursday 18 Ocak. Tribute was paid to the late Councillor Ronnie Philpott who was a long-standing member of the group and Vice-Chairman and Rev. Michael Hinton, a founder member in 2005, who was unable to

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  Seasonal Greetings from Dover Town Council The Dover Town Council office will be closed to the public over the holiday period and will re-open on Tuesday 2nd January 2018  

Christmas cheer was spread throughout Dover Town Centre during the weekend of 2nd & 3rd December. For the first time the annual Christmas celebration continued on through to Sunday. The festive fun started early on Saturday Morning with a huge crowd gathering for the Switch On of the Christmas Tree and High Street Festive Lights

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