Dover Town Council wants to promote and encourage walking in the town as part of a healthy lifestyle. To this end, three varied routes have been created for the community to enjoy. The routes include the town’s heritage, tourism, transport and nature and range from approximately 24 minutes up to 2 時間. All three routes start and


Yet again, vandals ran amok in Pencester Pavilion, ripping and tearing the rubber matting of the pillars and spraying the concrete with graffiti. In May, a similar incident occurred, bringing the costs of repairs this year into hundreds of pounds. The pavilion, site of many concerts and community events, is maintained by Dover Town Council


7 月は、これまでの数か月に費やした努力が文字通り実を結ぶときです (と野菜). この両方を念頭に置いて、私たちはトマトに注目します。. 果物ですか? 野菜ですか? 謎に包まれているのはトマトだけではない - ナス, ピーマン, キュウリ, ズッキーニとかぼちゃは、…
