“Growing More Securely” A brand new fence at the Astley Avenue Allotment site will make sure that the 70 plus allotment holders will be able to “grow forward” with more security and peace of mind. Dover Town Council who own the site paid for the new fence costing £23,000 as part of a package

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O que os White Cliffs significam para você?   “Exciting, stimulating and totally exhausting” was artist Elaine Triby’s verdict on her week’s non-stop talking with local people about the new “Gateway to the Cliffs” artwork which will mark the path from Athol Terrace to the top of the cliffs. Elaine based herself in “The White

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A Câmara Municipal apoia a Legião Real Britânica de Dover A Legião Real Britânica de Dover foi apoiada por unanimidade pelo Comitê de Projetos Cívicos e Especiais com uma doação total de £ 2.250 para cobrir os custos do desfile comemorativo de Somme e da recepção planejada para sábado 31 Julho. A Batalha do Somme em 2016 na altura…

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