En Neighborhood Plan for Dover

Neighborhood planlægning giver fællesskaber en chance for at tage føringen i at producere en del af udviklingsplanen for deres område - et kvarter Plan er et juridisk dokument og skal anvendes, når der træffes beslutning om planlægning applikationer.

Reglerne omkring planlægning og udvikling er ændret. There is increased pressure to develop more housing across the country and national planning policy is generally in favour of sustainable development. Dover District Council is responsible for deciding on overall levels of development and granting legal planning permissions for Dover Town as well as in Deal, Sandwich og landdistrikter sogne i Dover område de. The Town Council comments on all Planning Applications in the Town but has no powers to prevent poor quality development such as conversions of large properties into too many tiny flats that are primarily aimed at making profit for the developer.

En Neighborhood Plan for Dover Town vil bidrage til beslutningsprocessen og bidrage til at sikre, at den fremtidige udvikling er

  • levende, attraktivt og godt designet


  • i offentlighedens bedste interesse at balancere sociale, økonomiske og miljømæssige hensyn


The Town Council will co-ordinate and support the making of the plan but youthe local communitydecide what you want for Dover. People with passion, entusiasme og viden om byen kan gøre en reel forskel og ændre tingene til det bedre.

Making a Neighbourhood Plan needs everyone to contribute their ideas, hopes and vision for Dover – so the process gives plenty of time and opportunity for everyone to get involved.

As a first stage a Steering Group of local voluntary organisations, businesses and public service providers will get the ball rolling. The main bulk of the work – public consultation and gathering information and evidence will start this autumn. Ved afslutningen af ​​processen planen vil blive undersøgt uafhængigt af en planlægning inspektør og derefter sat til afstemning i en lokal folkeafstemning for at være helt sikker på, at den siger, hvad du - folk i Dover - ønsker det at sige.