Your Dover – Your Voice A Neighbourhood Plan for Dover Town


  • Kas jums ir svarīga Dover?
  • Kas rūpes jums par nākotni Town?
  • Kas jauns izglītība, apmācība un iespējas, ko vēlaties?
  • Kādu attīstības vēlaties redzēt?
  • Ko jūs domājat, ka būtu Dover labāku vietu, kur dzīvot, darbs un apmeklējums?

The Neighbourhood Plan Community Questionnaire gives everyone a chance to have their own direct say. Tas ir pieejams on-line (Click for Questionnaire), in hard copy for pick-up round the Town and has been posted to every household with freepost return

Neighbourhood planning gives communities a chance to take the lead in producing part of the development plan for their area – a Neighbourhood Plan is important – it’s a legal document and nepieciešams var izmantot, lemjot par plānošanas pieteikumiem.

The rules around planning and development have had a shake up with increased pressure to develop more housing across the country. National Planning Policy is now generally in favour of sustainable development. Locally Dover District Council decides on overall levels of development and grants legal planning permissions for Dover Town as well as in Deal, Sandwich un lauku pagasti Dover jomā. A Neighbourhood Plan for Dover can make a real difference in the fight against poor quality development such as conversions of large properties into too many tiny flats that are primarily aimed at making profit for the developer.

Apkaimi plāns Dover Town veicinās lēmumu pieņemšanā un palīdzēt pārliecināties, ka turpmākā attīstība ir

  • vibrējošs, pievilcīgs un labi izstrādāts
  • sabiedrības interesēs līdzsvarošanu sociālajā, ekonomiskie un vides apsvērumi

The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group is taking the lead in making the Plan but you – the People of Dover- will decide what you want for your Town and what goes into the Plan. People like you with passion, entuziasms un zināšanas par pilsētas var dot reālu atšķirību un mainīt lietas uz labo pusi.

Making a Neighbourhood Plan needs everyone to contribute their best ideas, cerības un vīzija Dover - tāpēc šis process dod pietiekami daudz laika un iespēju ikvienam iesaistīties.

Finally, the Plan will be examined independently by a Planning Inspector and put to the vote in a local referendum to be absolutely sure that it says what you – the People of Dover – want it to say.

Have your say today!

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