Make your start to 2022 super healthy!
هناك بعض المقاعد الجديدة الرائعة في High Meadow!
إذا كنت تعيش في دوفر, you’ve won the jackpot with fabulous countryside and the beach to enjoy so close. Taking a walk in the fresh air is brilliant for keeping us fit and healthy physically and mentally as well. وإذا كانت لديك مشكلة في حلها ، فغالبًا ما يساعد ذلك على الجلوس والعمل في الخارج في العراء.
قام مجلس المدينة بحفظ الأرض في المرج العالي لأهالي البلدة بشرائها من مالك خاص قبل بضع سنوات. It is full of paths to explore and wonderful views to find. White Cliffs Countryside Partnership manage the land all year round and there is an ongoing plan to improve public access as well as environmental diversity and wildlife.
كأحدث مشروع له ، قام WCCP بتثبيت مقاعد جديدة بحيث تتوقف لبضع دقائق, have a bit of rest and just enjoy being outside with some of the best views in the country!
More information about WCCP’s work including their volunteer programme and education (and fun!) events for all ages can be found on their website –