RIP-Kapitän Sir Tom Moore – Vielen Dank.

Kapitän Sir Tom gewann letztes Jahr die Herzen aller in Dover und im ganzen Land, indem er fast 33 Millionen Pfund für die NHS-Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen sammelte. Together by walking 100 Runden seines Gartens. Im Alter von 100 he helped to lead the nation in responding positively and bravely to the challenges of the pandemic and became an example to us all. Her Majesty the Queen expressed the feelings of us all when she knighted him last year in gratitude for his outstanding contribution to our community life.

Captain Sir Tom knew as a young man the cost of service, joining the army during the World War II and serving his country in India and Myanmar.

We are poorer without you Captain Sir Tom and we say with you “Tomorrow will be a good day”

Our condolences go to Captain Sir Tom’s family and friends.