High Meadow is a Local Nature Reserve owned by Dover Town Council and managed by the Baltos uolos Kaimo Partnership. We have worked with Ant Downs Heritage Lottery Fund Project to facilitate two phases of work. The first saw an area of overgrazed horse paddocks returned to a more appropriate form of livestock management and involved the removal of delapidated structures (as shown in the photo above) and the installation of stock fencing. The second phase extended the area grazed to join Whinless Down. One of the most positive results of the project has been to connect High Meadow, Whinless Down and Nemo Down to form a 62 hectare area of continuous chalk grassland, all of which is on the rural-urban fringe and much of it used for recreational purposes by local people. We are continuing to work hard to promote enjoyable and responsible use of the land by everyoneUp the Downs ran a series of workshops for families and young people including camping skills, work with drones and other fun activities. Good new ideas to get everyone out and enjoying themselves are always welcomejust use our contacts page or see below.

Atnaujinti – Rugsėjis 2017

The new “Dover Connector” has started work to open up the High Meadow Nature Reserve to local people who do not use it on a regular basis at the moment. There are plans for barbeque areas, more easy paths for mobility scooters and push chairs, storytelling circles and shelters to keep you dry if it rains. We know that being able to get out in the open air and enjoy the natural environment is one of the best ways to keep feeling physically and mentally healthy. The Dover Connector will be especially targeting the parts of our community with the highest needs with fun activities to improve quality of life.

The new Dover Connector will be managed by Kent Wildlife Trust, expanding our partnership of experts looking after the Reserve.

You can contact the Dover Connector at Kent Wildlife Trust through the Town Council offices on 01304 242625 by e-mail at council@dovertowncouncil.gov.uk or by calling into our offices at Maison Dieu House (šalia Rotušės), Biggin St, Dover CT16 1DW.