Der Stadtrat hat seine Unterstützung für Menschen mit Demenz und ihre Betreuer durch die Verleihung der Mitgliedschaft im Dementia Friendly Network und das Recht zur Verwendung des offiziellen Symbols „Wir arbeiten daran, eine demenzfreundliche Organisation zu werden“ anerkannt. Konferenzen, training events and awareness raising sessions over past years have demonstrated the Council’s commitment to playing its part in building a community which seeks to care for and value everyone.

Es gibt 800,000 people living with dementia in the UK and this will increase to over 1 million by 2025. Dementia is an incurable condition caused by diseases of the brain, which over time seriously impair the ability to live independently – symptoms can include memory loss, mood and personality changes, and behaviour that challenges others such as serious confusion, agitation and aggression. Many people with dementia also have other medical conditions or develop them during the course of their illness. Caring for those with dementia can be tiring and stressful, physically, emotionally and financially but with early diagnosis and help those with dementia can continue to live a good quality of life.

Dover Town Council has committed itself to the Dementia Action Alliance’s “National Dementia Declaration” which includes supporting those living with dementia to make the I-statements a reality in their lives

  • I have personal choice and control over decisions about me
  • I know that services are designed around me and my needs
  • I have support that helps me live my life
  • I live in an enabling and supportive environment where I feel valued and understood
  • I have a sense of belonging and of being a valued part of family, community and civic life
  • I know that there is research going on which delivers a better life for me now and hope for the future


The Council will also continue with its programme of events and training, und sicherzustellen, dass Themen wie Kommunikation und Beschilderung ausgelegt sind, mit den Bedürfnissen aller, also auch solche mit Demenz im Auge.


Rätin Pam Brivio, Vorsitzender des Civic und Special Projects Committee sagte

„A Dementia Freundlich Organisation zu werden Arbeiten zeigt, dass das Engagement für mehr tun und besser zu machen ist im Gang. Wenn wir alle - als Einzelpersonen und Organisationen - unsere Rolle spielen und ein wenig Zeit Demenz zu lernen nehmen, über die wir Maßnahmen ergreifen können,. Together we can do a huge amount to help those with dementia and those who care for them live well – and that means our Dover community will be a better, stronger and more compassionate place for everyone.”