Paskirtis Doveris

„Destination Dover“ yra pavyzdinis projektas, kurio tikslas - atgaivinti „Dover“ lankytojų ekonomiką. Per kitą 5 metų Destination Dover kurs ryšius tarp organizacijų ir įmonių, siekdamos bendro tikslo, kad Dover būtų viena geriausių pramogų vietų., paveldo interesus ir gamtinę aplinką. Doverio tikslas yra 100% committed to doing what it takes for the local economy and community to see the benefits of increased visitors to Dover.

Destination Dover is a partnership of local organisations all with expertise and experience. Funders include Dover Town Council, Doveris rajono taryba, Doveris Didelis Vietinis, English Heritage, Southeastern Railways and the White Cliffs Country Tourism Association.

Destination Dover can be contacted via their website or through the Town Council offices and welcomes support and new ideas which will keep our visitor economy growing and vibrant and make Dover the best place to live and work.