この夏はエルムズ ベールの公園でピクニック

この夏、誰もが楽しめるように、頑丈なピクニック テーブルとベンチがエルムズ ベール レクリエーション グラウンドに設置されました。. 地元のマクストン区の町議会議員, ピーター・ウォレス, デボラ・ブーラレス, Miriam Wood and Roger Walkden gave money from their grant budget to help a local group “The Silverback Project” fund the materials they needed to build the items which look just right in their new setting.

They are already being really well used by those who go to the park to meet up and have a bit of a break – often on a daily basis.

Councillors are always looking to work with local groups and others who have good ideas.

Contact your Local Councillor direct or through the Council office.