104-та годишнина от героичния и исторически набег на патрула на Дувър срещу Зебрюге на Гергьовден 1918 беше отбелязан на годишна церемония на 23 Април. И тогава, кметът на град Дувър, Съветникът Гордън Коуън удари камбаната на Зебрюге. The Bell was a gift of thanks from the King of Belgium in recognition

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Пролетният бюлетин на градския съвет на Дувър с много информация за нашите текущи събития и проекти вече е достъпен, като щракнете върху връзката по-долу – Бюлетин на градския съвет на Дувър – Пролет 2022  

  Dover Arts Development has led the Threading Together Project. Threading together is a cross generational arts project, using textiles and photography focusing on food cultures and good memories. The project is culminating in an exhibition featuring work produced by Dover Technical College Travel and Tourism students as well as by members of the wider

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“Regeneration is not just about buildings. In order to lift the heart of a place it must involve its people and provide opportunities, aspiration and a sense of community” – Кмет на град Дувър, Съветник на Гордън Коуън. And in a special Extraordinary meeting Councillors backed the Mayor to deliver on three big projects focusing on

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Dover is proud to be a Fairtrade Town and supports Fairtrade fortnight 2022 от 21 февруари до 6 март. Fairtrade’s “Choose the World You Want” Festival will return for a second year for Fairtrade Fortnight 2022 21st February to 6th March. It features a series of virtual events designed to engage, inform and educate people

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WCCP manage the Town Council’s open access land in Dover and they always welcome extra help. If you want to contribute to making our beautiful countryside even more lovely contact them for details of their volunteering opportunities. Children and families can discover lots of fun stuff about wildlife, creepy crawlies and plants at a WCCP

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Бихме искали да знаем вашето мнение за събитията в Дувър За да завършите нашето проучване, моля, щракнете върху връзката по-долу – HTTPS://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DR82XPX (Моля обърнете внимание – survey closes 17.3.22)

A summer of fun is planned for Pencester Gardens and the Market Square. The Civic and Special Projects Committee of the Council gave the green light to funding of £5,500 for a series of free concerts and entertainments during the coming summer months. A spokesperson for Dover Town Council said “There will be something for

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