Für Grün wachsen

There is still time to get growing this spring! A few allotment plots are still available for rent on the Town Council allotment sites. Contact Karen Dry at the Town Council Offices or download and application form from our website.

15 bemerkenswerten Menschen und Organisationen kamen zusammen für ihren Beitrag zum Gemeinschaftsleben unserer Stadt in den jährlichen Menschen von Dover Preisverleihung gefeiert werden und dankten. Die Nominierungen wurden erhalten in 6 Kategorien und stimmten von der Öffentlichkeit für. Glückwünsche an: „Outstanding Contribution zu helfen, Ihr Nachbar“ Award Winner: Dover Street…

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  3.6 million day visitors to Dover are estimated to be worth £110m to the local economy. Across the district 5,000 jobs depend on tourism. The Visitor Information Centre in the Market Square serves 120,000 people each year pointing them to local attractions and facilities. Local people also benefit from the coach, theatre and bookings

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Stand Up Comedy Night – Saturday 30 April Fresh from the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, London gigs and as seen on TVPerformers are visiting Dover on Saturday to share a fresh and funny look at what life is like for those newly arrived to make a home here. Come to laugh together at

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The 98th Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid on Zeebrugge on St George’s Day 1918 wurde bei einer jährlichen Zeremonie erinnert an 23 April 2016. Reverend John Walker conducted a service at St James Cemetery where the fallen of the raid are laid to rest together with their leader Vice Admiral Sir

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Deputy Lieutenant of Kent Herr Bill Fawcus lesen ein sich bewegendes Tribut von Prinz Charles an die Königin kurz vor der Beleuchtung der Dover Stadt Beacon in Dover Castle in der Feier des 90. Geburtstag Ihrer Majestät. Community-Gruppen hatten ein Picknick auf der Burg und großartige Leistungen von Dover Youth Theater genossen, Dover Tal und…

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The grappling iron used at the St George’s Day raid at Zeebrugge in 1918 is preserved in the People of Dover’s War Memorial Garden. Dover Town Council will remember the 98th Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid on Zeebrugge on St George’s Day 1918 am Samstag, den 23.04 2016. Beginning with a

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  Three days was not long enough for specialist consultants from Ingham Pinnock Associates to find their way round our Town Hall. The team took twice as long as they thought to map all its nooks and crannies before they could begin to formulate proposals for its future. The Team formally presented their key findings

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Look out and up to Dover Castle on 21st April at 8.30pm when the Beacon of the Town will be lit to celebrate the 90th birthday of Her Majesty the Queen. The lighting marks the start of an exciting programme of events in the Town to mark this very special year. Through the centuries Dover

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