Future Foundry didžiuojasi galėdama paskelbti nemokamą, neformali eskizų ir pokalbių sesija jaunimui Doveryje su iliustratoriumi, komiksų menininkas ir koloristas Bexas Glendiningas. Šeštadienį, lapkričio 11 d., vyks dirbtuvės jaunimui 11-16, Doveryje, Biggin Hall, kaip Future Foundry savaitraščio dalis, nemokamas šeštadienio meno klubas, The…

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Dover Youth Festival launches this Saturday 21st October 2023 Unveiling Future Foundry’s Project Space upstairs at The Charlton Centre with 8 days of free half term activities with local artists. Singer songwriter Jake St Ange will be performing live at 2pm this Saturday to launch Future Foundry’s brand new project space upstairs at The Charlton

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On Saturday, October 7th, 2023, distinguished members of the Cinque Ports Confederation, esteemed dignitaries, and their guests joined in for the Speakers Day Procession. This ceremonial event provided a warm welcome from The Right Worshipful The Town Mayor of Dover and Speaker of the Cinque Ports, Cllr Susan Jones, leading into a procession from Market

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Future Foundry and Dover Arts Development are hosting lantern making workshops to create lighthouse lanterns for the finale event of the DAD Festival ‘You can reach the world from Dover’. We are working with UCA Architecture students to enable them to create fabulous Lighthouse Lanterns inspired by Dover Lighthouses, which will be carried along Dover’s sea front

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Diena prasidėjo žygiu pasibaigus 500 žmonių ir dar šimtai žmonių, einančių gatvėse, norėdami parodyti savo paramą ir iškelti savo vėliavas penktiesiems ir pasakiškiems Dover Pride metams.! Dalyvavęs savanoris sakė: „Dover Pride buvo viena geriausių patirčių mano gyvenime ir dėkoju visiems, kurie atėjo, organizuotas…

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Pasaka apie Petrą Triušį & Benjamin Bunny by Beatrix Potter Hosted by Quantum Theatre Location: Pencester sodai, Dover Date(laikas): Sekmadienis rugsėjo 3 d (26-16 val) Pasiruoškite įdomiam nuotykiui su Piteriu Triušiu ir jo išdykusiu pusbroliu Benjaminu! Quantum brings you a magical version of two famous stories by Beatrix Potter – ‘The Tale of

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