The focus of remembrance in Dover is the People of Dover’s War Memorial in front of Maison Dieu House at the heart of the Town. Міський голова, Радник Ніл Рікс, Dover born and bred, felt that the Town needed to do something very special in 2018, the centenary of the First World War to remember


Our picture shows Representatives from Belgium paying their respects at the 2017 Commemorations at St James’s Cemetery Parades and services organised by Dover Town Council to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Zeebrugge Raid are to be held on St George’s Day (Квітня 23). Зебрюгге Белл в Maison Dieu (Мерія), Дувр, has been struck each


Започатковано нагороду People of Dover Awards 5 років тому міською радою Дувра, шанувати осіб, групи та підприємства, чия прихильність, Почуття спільноти та особиста участь допомагають зробити Дувр чудовим місцем для життя та роботи. Так як 2013 there have been a host of award winners, all exemplifying the


The Town Council’s Civic and Special Projects Committee met on 2 February and gave local charity Cherished Gowns a £2657 grant to support grieving families following the devastating loss of a baby. Cherished Gowns provides free of charge clothing packs to parents and hospitals around the UK for babies that are stillborn, miscarried or pass
