ドーバーの市長は、今日道路上最高の現代のバイクのいくつかを検査する機会をドーバー交通博物館と一緒にクリームティーのチャリティーツアーでドーバーアウトリーチ・センターとアルツハイマー病協会のためのお金を上げています. Dover Transport Museum is one of the best volunteer run Transport Museums


A £2,500 grant towards the Education Projects run in Dover by the Deal Music and Arts Festival has been pledged by the Civic and Special Projects Committee. Councillors have supported the mainly volunteer led festival since 2008, doing their bit to fill the gaps left by reductions in Government funding for music education. 今年…


Mayor of Dover Councillor Sue Jones is backing International Women’s Day. You can join her for an evening to celebrate the successes of the last 100 ガラスを上げる年, 音楽的に楽しまれると専門家のスピーカーからより多くを学びます. There are refreshments and a very warm welcome for everyone to the Dover Town
