Dover Town Mayor Councillor Sue Jones was lost for words when she first stood up to thank the 16 charities and social enterprises who had given presentations and taken stalls as part of the Dover Community Showcase during the Annual Town Meeting on Wednesday 1 Mayo. All the organisations had partnered with and been supported

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Dover Outreach Centre has been given nearly £800 raised by the Mayor Councillor Sue Jones at charity events during the year. The Outreach Centre provides a route back to normal life for homeless people including help with accommodation, health care, and the everyday things like a postal address that most of us can take for

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Dover Town Council will remember the 101st Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid on Zeebrugge on St George’s Day 1918 el martes 23 de abril 2019. Comenzando con un servicio en 11.00 estoy en el cementerio de St James, Las conmemoraciones finalizarán con el repique de la campana de Zeebrugge en el Ayuntamiento de Dover.. los…

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El Ayuntamiento ha respaldado la campaña de Transition Dover para que Dover sea designada "Comunidad libre de plásticos". El Consejo respaldó resoluciones en su reunión de 27 Marcha seguirá retirando los plásticos de un solo uso de sus locales, Fomentar iniciativas libres de plástico en el Pueblo y enviar un representante para unirse a la Comunidad Libre de Plástico.…

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