Atmintyje - buvęs meras Bobas Markhamas

Mums labai liūdna girdėti apie neseniai mirusio buvusio mero mirtį, Robertas (Bobas) Markham. Bob joined the Council in 2000 ir tarnavo daugiau 10 years until his retirement in 2011. Bob was no stranger to the work of the Council on his election, having ably supported his partner Mrs Lynn Young in her work as a Dover Town Councillor and also during her two years as Town Mayor. As a Councillor, Bob quickly established a reputation for hard work and careful, considered decision making. He and Lynn were a formidable team. They rarely missed a Council meeting and contributed much behind the scenes, fired by a passion to improve life for all Dovorians. Bob was elected by his fellow Councillors as Mayor both in 2004/5 and again in 2007/8, performing the several hundred civic engagements expected of the Mayor every year with dignity, energy and evident enjoyment together with Lynn as his Mayoress.

Užuojauta Lynnui ir platesnei Bobo šeimai bei draugams šiuo liūdnu metu.