A nap egy felvonulással indult 500 emberek és több százan sorakoznak az utcákon, hogy kifejezzék támogatásukat és lobogtatják zászlóikat a Dover Pride ötödik és mesés évére!
Egy önkéntes, aki részt vett rajta, azt mondta: „A Dover Pride életem egyik legjobb élménye volt, és köszönöm mindenkinek, aki eljött., organized it and everyone who supported it! The teams of Dover pride really are the most loving and caring people anyone will come across. So, thank you again for creating a safe space for us all”
Frazer Doyle Chair and Co-Founder of Dover Pride said “Each year of Dover pride feels like a leap into making Dover a more inclusive place. It might not seem like it from the outside but there have been so many small events popping up locally which then creates social circles, making lgbtq+ and queer connections which lead to collaborations, partnerships and other opportunities. This year we’re celebrating 5 years of Dover Pride which has come such a long way and that’s really down to how hard our small but dedicated creative team works. They put in the hard work because they care about the future of Dover and it’s lgbtq+ community.”
Lisa Oulton founder and director of Future Foundry which has been the Pride partners since Year 1 mondott
“I wanted to celebrate how big of an impact Dover Pride has had in Dover, a fabulous transformation. The town has grown warmer and more tolerant even though challenges still persist. The Dover Pride team needs you – more volunteers, more support to get behind the team. challenges need to be continuously worked through and the Pride in this Town protected if you want to see Dover Pride in 5 years time. Make it a place you want to live in.”
Town Mayor Councillor Susan Jones said: “Mivel 2019, the Town Council has been by Dover Pride’s side – from the historic town hall to facing the pandemic with Digital Pride. For the last three years, our support stood strong on the Roman Lawn, where we gather today. Local artists, performers and dedicated teams, and so many of you are here today, have been the heart of these events, showcasing the true spirit of Dover and this community.”
Diederik Smet, Placemaking, Events and Partnerships Manager at the Port of Dover who are Dover Pride’s lead sponsor of this year said “We are proud to be a part of Dover Pride 2023, showcasing the inspiring journey of the LGBTQ+ community throughout the years in Dover!"
Amrick Channa from the X Factor and The Voice who performed this year and last year at Dover Pride said “I feel pride is extremely important in small towns because diversity and inclusivity especially for marginalized groups is something that needs to be worked upon. We are making positive progress but still have a lot of work to do.”
HAVOC who is a drag Queen from Dover and started drag because of Dover Pride and The Anxious Pickle Club said “I’ve attended Dover Pride over the years and I’ve always wanted to become a drag performer and get on that stage! With the help of The Anxious Pickle Club a queer night set up by the founders of Dover Pride Emma Sikora and Frazer Doyle I’ve now been doing drag and performing since October ‘22 and now here we are, a full circle moment for me to be performing at Dover Pride ‘23! To anyone with a goal, what are you waiting for?! Go for it!"
Sophia Stardust who returned to perform at Dover Pride again this year said “WAHOOO is how I feel about being back this year. In smaller towns like this compared to places like London, there are not as many of us being ourselves! Inspiring everyone to be themselves is why I love to do it!"
Ryan James Abbott founder and choreographer of dance troupe Haus Of Heels said “Performing at Dover Pride specifically is very special for me/ us (Haus of Heels) Not only does it get bigger and better every year but it’s where we started. Haus of Heels performed on The Roman Lawn for the very first time, coming out of the Pandemic in 2021. So I guess we owe a lot to the Dover Pride Team! What a team they are too! Not everyone can get to the huge pride events going on around the country, so having events like Dover Pride brings the Pride protest basically to your doorstep. It’s always an open and friendly atmosphere for the whole family, with entertainment from the best local acts. If I do say so myself. This is the third year we have opened the main stage and we cannot wait to be back, spreading the sass and celebrating love with the community.”
The Diety host of Dover Pride’s main stage said “Hosting Dover Pride has been incredible! Watching Dover Pride grow and becoming one of the biggest events for the town is amazing. Pride is such an important thing for the lgbtq+ community. Firstly, we get to show the world that we are here and exist. Secondly, we pull focus on rights and respect that might be missing for us. Pride in particular for small towns is just as important as one you would find in larger cities as not everyone wants/can travel to those further away which are possibly more crowded and they would miss out on the opportunity to express themselves. I love seeing everyone in all of their colors be happy and free for the day and for the rest of all time!"
Miss Di Vour drag queen co-host of Dover Pride’s main stage who was born in Dover said “Growing up queer in Dover was never particularly fun or easy, which is why Dover Pride is SO important. It’s been a privilege to be involved since the first year and I am so excited to have co-hosted this years and the after party to celebrate 5 years of Dover Pride!"
Bettie Late N’ Never drag queen who hosted the second stage the Dover Pride Café at La Salle Verte said “For me to be able to host the Dover Pride Cafe at La Salle Verte means that my chosen family have faith in me. The Anxious Pickles have welcomed me with open arms and helped me with my drag journey since February, and this feels like the culmination of all our efforts. Chosen family is so important, and for me to be able to give back to them like this is wonderful. Being able to find a chosen queer family in such a small location really shows how important Pride has become, reaching out all over and showing that people care and want you to thrive, no matter where you are or where you’ve come from.”
Dover Pride would like to thank all of their sponsors for helping to make this happen including Port Of Dover, Jövő Öntödei, Dover Városi Tanács, South Kent National Education Union and the People’s Postcode Lottery and Postcode Trust for their support!
Fotó hitel: David Goodson