ハイ メドウ ストライク 金賞


Dover Town Council’s High Meadow Nature Reserve has won a GOLD AWARD in the Richard Neame Local Wildlife Site Awards

The award recognises 20 ドーバー市議会とホワイト・クリフス・カントリーサイド・パートナーシップの長年にわたる努力の結果、 19 hectare site an outstanding natural and wildlife habitat which is enjoyed by a huge number of Dovorians.

Chalk grassland now covers the area where a car breakers yard once stood. Old metal, glass, car components, structures and contaminated soil have been removed. Years of fly tipping and litter have been cleared. Scrub and invasive vegetation has been cut back.

Chalk flower and grass mix has been sown in fresh soil. New paths have been cut and surfaced creating improved walking routes. The whole site has been fenced and kissing gates installed on the main routes. Native hedgerow has been planted at boundaries.

Grazing animals now browse the chalk grassland in the traditional way maintaining the flower rich meadow that supports bees, butterflies and other wildlife in an outdoor space for everyone to enjoy and share.

Funding from the Up on the Downs Heritage Lottery Fund programme has enabled a 9 hectare extension to be opened and over the years a large number of local volunteers have worked with WCCP in scrub clearance, lookering and other conservation works.

If you would like to get involved for caring for the rare chalk grassland wildlife at High Meadow and other sites in and around Dover please contact the WCCP on 01304 241806 or e-mail: mail@whitecliffscountryside.org.uk