Harmonia Village – Dover conduce cu un nou mod de a-i ajuta pe cei care trăiesc cu demență să trăiască bine!

Harmonia Village din St Radigunds Ward este pe cale să facă ceva diferit pentru a sprijini persoanele care trăiesc cu demență să trăiască bine. Harmonia va fi un centru de excelență – şase case construite special cu 5 camere individuale fiecare, plus zone comune de relaxare, kitchens and gardens will give the homely and supported environment that those living with dementia need. The next-door Village Hub will provide meals, a café area and facilities for shared activities and events. There are also guest rooms for use by carers and respite care. Every detail has been carefully thought though based on what those living with dementia told the designers in discussions together with families, community organisations, charities and health care professionals. Rooms are light and airy with some wonderful views across the town to the hills.

The Town Council is committed to being dementia friendly and has been fully involved in the consultation and planning process from the start. In noiembrie 2018 Mayor Councillor Sue Jones broke the ground at the start of the construction works.

Harmonia Village is part of a larger project to create a step-change improvement in the care of the elderly and those living with dementia by providing support to enable them to live in communities rather than in hospitals. Funding has been received from the EU together with partners in the UK (including the NHS), the Netherlands, Belgium and France. The project will be the basis for sharing research results, expertise and knowledge in dementia care for the future.

After huge amounts of hard work by everyone concerned Harmonia Village is shortly to begin to receive its first residents and everyone is invited to open days currently being held to see for themselves what is on offer. Open days currently scheduled are 4lea și 25lea February from 9am to 3pm, apel 01304 222568 pentru mai multe informatii.


Our picture shows a cosy corner for tea and chats in the Harmonia Village Hub.