Dover’s Fairtrade Town Status Renewed

Dover’s Fairtrade Town Status has been renewed for a further two years. ドーバー市長, Councillor Sue Jones received the official certification at a reception held by Dover and Deal Fairtrade Steering Group.

Fair trade is about bringing the farmer and the shopper closer together and putting people at the heart of trade. Being a Fairtrade Town sends a powerful message about how our Dover community wants trade to work and directly benefits some of the world’s poorest farmers and workers through increasing awareness and sale of Fairtrade items.

Dover continues to meet the goals for a Fairtrade Town. The Town Council has supported Fairtrade with a formal Council resolution. Fairtrade items are on sale in local shops and served in local catering outlets. Local workplaces and community organisations support Fairtrade and use Fairtrade products whenever possible. The Local Fairtrade Network Group works hard to raise awareness and understanding of Fairtrade and ensures it continues to gain new support in the Town.

Councillor Pam Brivio a founder member of the Dover Network said

Since the campaign a lot has been achieved, we now have some Fairtrade schools in the area and school assemblies about Fairtrade are now a regular occurrence. All churches in Dover are Fairtrade and some hold Tradecraft Stalls regularly to sell Fairtrade items. The Fairtrade logo is also now more widely known and recognised.

Thanks go to Rick Norman of Canterbury Fairtrade who stepped in at short notice to speak at to us at the reception and to Councillor Nick Tomaszewski, Mayor of Deal who hosted the event this year.

Both the Dover and Deal Fairtrade Networks warmly welcome any new members who are interested in joining us in promoting Fairtrade.


Our picture shows Councillor Sue Jones and Councillor Anne Jenner, the Town Council’s representative on the Dover Fairtrade Network with the Dover’s new Fairtrade Town Certificate.