Dover Mayor Councillor Neil Rix with the basketball teams
The Annual Dover–Calais Festival of Sport is always a hard fought event and this year was no exception. Calais'ten yedi takım, yerel takımlarla tüm gün süren rekabet için Dover'ı ziyaret etti. Dover bu yıl atıcılık müsabakalarını kazanarak genel kupayı aldı, sea angling, pool and snooker, table tennis, and water polo while Calais retained trophies in swimming and basket ball.
All events were keenly watched by Town Mayor Councillor Neil Rix who had an enthusiastic go himself at shooting, basket ball and table tennis. Civic Representatives from Calais Council were also present to support their teams throughout the day.
The Festival of Sport is due to take place in Calais next year. It great fun and there is always room for more sports. If you are part of a Dover team that would like to take part or work with the Council to improve sporting opportunities in the Town please contact Tracey Hubbard at the Town Council offices.