도버 타운 카운슬 – 할당 및 Covid-19- 필요한 조치.

Please note that the following rules apply in respect of all Town Council allotments at the current time and until further notice. This will help to keep us all safe from infection.


Do not attend the plot if you have coronavirus symptoms or a family member is self-isolating


• Take a flask of hot water, soap and paper towels to the plot with you (cold water will work too).


• Use hand sanitiser (should be 60% alcohol content) before entering the site and opening any gate locks.


• Wash hands for at least 20 seconds after closing the lock, dry with a paper towel.


• The most effective part of hand washing is the drying using preferably paper towel to remove the layer of dead skin scaleson which virus and bacteria sit. Paper towel to compost heap.


• DO NOT touch your face after using anything that has been touched by other people- use an elbow to work the push taps.


• Wash your hands again for 20 seconds, dry with a paper towel before opening and closing the lock to leave the site.


• 자물쇠를 닫은 후 손 소독제를 사용하십시오.


• 집에 도착하면 손을 씻으십시오.


• 당신이 채팅을하기 위해 함께 모이지 마십시오 2 미터 떨어져.


• 서로“사회적 약화”를 관찰하십시오 2-3 미터.


• 자녀를 줄거리로 데려가는 경우, 그들이 제한된 곳에 머물고 공동 경로와 공간을 돌아 다니지 않도록하십시오..


• 도구를 공유하지 마십시오.