Dover Greeters celebrated moving to their new information kiosk – a vintage beach hut on the Dover Marina Curve with an official opening by the Town mayor of Dover, Councillor Gordon Cowan on 1st Septembris. Funding from the Town Council enabled the hut to be refurbished and fitted out to provide a fixed point of contact for visitors. Volunteer Dover Greeters have been working for nearly 10 years to provide a friendly welcome to Dover and point visitors in the right direction so that they can make the very best of their time with us.
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“In 2012, Dover Town Council started a tourism welcome service with a small group of keen local volunteers to meet, greet and advise visitors to the town during the summer months. With their insider local knowledge, the volunteers could answer any questions and generally give a welcoming feel to the Town.
Kopš tā laika, Dover Greeters ir kļuvuši arvien spēcīgāki, becoming an integral part of summer life in Dover. Their friendly smiles and familiar logoed “uniforms” have become as much a part of the town as the historic buildings and sites they help to showcase.
Šogad, after lengthy lobbying, Dover Greeters have been able to realise a long-cherished dream – opening an information kiosk on the seafront. I am delighted to be here to open the Dover Greeter’s Beach Hut, provided by Dover Town Council, to provide a seasonal home for tourist information on the new Marina Curve.
Denise Smith and Liz Dimech, both original charter members of Dover Greeters have worked tirelessly with their current group of volunteers to make this happen – overcoming all difficulties. The kiosk has been operating for just over a month now and has become a real hub of activity with both locals and visitors making a beeline for its cheery striped doors and knowledgeable greeter. I hope this initiative proves its worth and leads to a permanent facility here at the seafront.
Many people have been involved in getting the latest chapter in the history of the Dover Greeters written and I’d like to thank everyone from the Greeters, Dover Harbour Board, Destination Dover and our own Town Council for the support they have given.”
Our picture shows the official opening of the Dover Greeters information kiosk.