Dover Celebrating our Very Best

Dover’s fabulous warm community came together at the Annual Town Meeting last night to celebrate some of the Town’s very best at the People of Dover Awards. ਮੇਅਰ, Councillor Neil Rix chaired the meeting and Honorary Freeman of Dover Mr Graham Tutthill introduced the awards.

Members of the public had voted to choose the winners in 5 categories. The awards were presented to loud applause as the Town showed heartfelt appreciation for all those who go above and beyond and make Dover such a special and worthwhile place to live and work.

Best Teacher

Winner: Mrs McPherson -Teacher at Charlton School

Her nominator said She goes above and beyond to help the children, no matter how small or large the issue is. She knows when parents are a little worried without them saying anything. I wish there were more teachers like her around to show more children how to be towards others.

Highly commended: Mr Gareth Doodes – Headmaster at Dover College

His nominator said Gareth is the Headmaster at Dover College. Not only does he actively work to inspire pupils to become fully rounded individuals, he also encourages them and the school at large to take a positive role in the wider Dover Community. He is a positive force for Dover.

Best Local Employer

Winner: Bradleys Solicitors

Their nominator said: My Employers provide a friendly and comfortable working environment. They go the extra mile to ensure the welfare of their staff. Coming to work is an enjoyable experience being supported throughout the day.

Highly Commended: Dover ਟਾਊਨ ਪ੍ਰੀਸ਼ਦ

Their nominator said: I have to say Dover Town Council. I have worked here for 20+ years and there is never the same day twice. The Council try to do the best they can for Dover residents within the powers they have. Our small team of staff work well together and it is a great place to work.

Happiest Neighbour

Winner: Mr John Fagg

His nominator said: John revamped an area in the town with flowers. He tended the cylinders which had been an eye sore for years and made them into little flower gardens. They were vandalised too but I believe he continued the upkeep of them. He was a neighbour of mine 30/40 years ago and always was mega kind.

Hyper- Helper

Winner: Dover Community First Responders Team

Their nominator said: I’m nominating the team, we are a group of volunteers who volunteer for the ambulance service responding to 999 calls and treating and providing lifesaving assistance purely for the residents of Dover and surrounding villages.

We all work full time and commit to a minimum of 16 hours a month.

We have treated patients suffering from strokes, heart attacks, asthma attacks to the worst case cardiac arrest.

Highly Commended: Mr Noel Beamish – Dover Outreach Centre

His nominator said: Mr Beamish has been active in Dover in helping to set up the Foodbank, with the help of Christians Together in Dover, our Street Pastors and the Centre for the Homeless, which runs every weekday morning (behind St. Paul’s Church), where homeless from December to March, can receive a hot meal each night and a bed and breakfast, held in a different church hall each evening. Mr Beamish transports the beds and equipment to and from each venue every day. He also heads up the Enterprise Scheme, to train homeless folk for employment. He has to be one of the most kind and selfless persons ever to have lived within our community.

Mr Beamish has worked tirelessly for our community for many, many years; although his dedication to the service of others has grown to an inspirational example for us all.

Highly Commended: Ms Alison Beaumont – Dover Community warden

Her nominator said: Alison is always prepared to go that extra mile within her job. With her friendly positive attitude and amazing knowledge of services, she is quick to help out and makes sure residents of Dover get full support with anything they require. It is a pleasure to work with Alison helping people who at times have no support, many health issues and are isolated. She really takes time to listen and get so much help for others. She is an amazing credit to Dover.

Best On-going Event or Project

Winner: Ms Amy Nicholas – Founder of Channel Rocks

Her nominator said: I believe she is the founder of Channel Rocks. This craze is going global and giving children so much pleasure whilst getting them out and about. It also helped Dover town come together to mourn the loss of Kelly Turner.

Highly Commended: ਵ੍ਹਾਈਟ Cliffs ਫੈਸਟੀਵਲ ਤੁਰਨ

Their nominator said: I am nominating the White Cliffs Walking Festival as they have run successful walking festivals for the past five years and each year has seen an increase in those taking part. This event showcases what Dover has to offer walkers both locally and to visitors. Numbers in both groups has been increasing year by year. This is good for the health and wellbeing of the town, promotes tourism (many visitors taking part are from outside the area so are staying at local hotels, guesthouses and B&B’s – this year there were participants from as far as Australia). The event is advertised on national walking websites and promoted by leaflets/brochures etc. Dover Town

Highly Commended: Christine Walton – Dover White Cliffs Branch of the Royal British Legion

Her nominator said: Christine has been instrumental in reopening the Dover Branch of the Royal British Legion and organises the Poppy Appeal. If there is an event happening in Dover, Christine will be there with her display stand and her merchandise trying to add to the fund. She organises and carries out welfare visits to those who need help as well as visits to the local British Legion flats where she arranges quizzes, guest speakers and coffee mornings. She has started a breakfast club where all new members are made very welcome by her alter ego, Mademoiselle Fifi, accompanied by Monsieur Rene, and donates tips to the poppy fund. Christine is the treasurer and vice secretary of our branch and works with a very dedicated committee. They all work hard but I, and many others, feel that Christine is the heart of the branch and without a doubt, she is the driving force. I believe that Christine is worthy of being considered for this award.


Our picture shows everyone who received an award together with the Mayor, ਕਾਊਸਲਰ ਨੀਲ RIX