Dame Vera Lynn 1917-2020 - Tüm Dovorianların kalbinde çok özel bir yer

We are very sad to hear that Dame Vera Lynn, the ForcesSweetheart whose songs helped raise morale in World War Two, has died aged 103.

Dame Vera was best known for performing for the troops during World War Two in countries including India and Burma and she holds a very special place in the hearts of all Dovorians for one of the best loved songs of the wartime years “The White Cliffs of Dover”. Dame Vera lead the nation in expressing their hopes for a peaceful future and the simple pleasures of time together with family and friends.

İçinde 1976 she was made a Dame and in 2000 she was named as the Briton who best exemplified the spirit of the 20th Century. Başka bir savaş zamanı idolünün harika bir arkadaşı, Kraliçe Anne, Dame Vera, son şarkı söyleme performansını 1995.

Bu yılın Mayıs ayında VE Günü'nün 75. yıldönümünden hemen önce, Dame Vera, savaş zamanı ulusunu karakterize eden cesaret ve kurban hakkında konuştu.

Dame Vera, gazilere yardım etmek ve desteklemek için çalışmaya devam etti ve uzun ömrü boyunca diğer hayır kurumları olabilir, her yaşta büyük beğeni toplayan ve popüler kalan. Geçen ay, zirveye çıkan en eski sanatçı oldu 40 album in the UK when her greatest hits album re-entered the charts at number 30.

The Queen referred to another of Dame Vera’s most beloved songs earlier this year when she told the country, separated from families and friends during the coronavirus lockdown: “We will meet again.And just two weeks earlier, Dame Vera herself had sent a message on her 103rd birthday, calling on the British public to findmoments of joyduring thesehard times”.